Thursday 27 April 2017

Camilla's Market Musings - Week 17

Is it just me or is time spinning really quickly this year?  Week 17 already and the end of yet another month - no wonder I am hungry all the time!

This week our produce is a reflection of the best that this season has to offer and what better way to honour the season than by celebrating the arrival of the delicious Lemonade Fruit!  If you have never come across them before, this sweet citrus is a cross between a lemon and a navel orange or possibly mandarin, the jury still appears to be out on that one, and originally burst onto the scene in the 1980s.  Regardless of their obscure origins, as their name implies, they are as sweet as lemonade and whilst they look like a Meyer Lemon, they can be eaten straight, separating easily into segments just like a mandarin.  This versatile fruit can be eaten in many ways - sweet, savoury, raw, cooked, preserved or even pickled and like all members of the citrus family, are packed with Vitamin C goodness, so are perfect for fortifying the system as the weather cools and the winter bugs emerge.

Staying in the fruit department, another equally exciting addition to our organic seasonal produce this week, is the delicious Tasmanian Snow Apple.  These apples only appear for a short period each year and are a beautiful crisp apple with ruby red skin and snow white flesh and whilst they are obviously not locally grown, are well worth the indulgence.

On the vegetable front, yet again we have the most picturesque bouquet of Lettuces - Mignonette, Frilly and Cos, courtesy of our local Mt Cotton farmers and finally we have managed to get our hands on some beautiful plump round Tomatoes, whose absence over the last couple of weeks has left a hole in the flavour, texture and colour department.  I am looking forward to making a beautiful Napolitana sauce, loaded with organic onion, garlic, basil, parsley and rosemary to freeze, just in case they decide to beat a hasty retreat again.  Life just seems empty without the humble tomato to brighten up the dinner plate.  We also have some superb looking Fennel bulbs (but only a few), complete with fine feathery fronds, perfect roasted, turned into soup or eaten raw in a salad and those Jerusalem Artichokes are a wonderful addition to a warming Autumn stew.  Speaking of stews and soups, the Infinite Earth Store has an array of pulses well worth stocking up on at the moment including pearl barley, chick peas, lentils and black beans, so please let us know if you would like to add any of these to your weekly order.

Speaking of which, to place an order, please email us at:

or text:

0476 000 996

by 12.00pm Fridays and we will as always, prepare a beautiful produce box with that complementary ingredient, a bucket full of love.  Oh and if your order comes to $40 or more, we will even throw in a free box of tissues!

Yours in organic goodness always

Camilla and all the busy smiling folk at the Organic Market on Macleay