Thursday 6 April 2017

Camilla's Market Musings - Week 14

Hallo and welcome to another mouth watering meandering as I take you on a journey through this week's wonderfilled market produce...and all I can say is Organic Spelt Hot Cross Buns!!!!

This afternoon, we just couldn't resist sampling these irresistible offerings from our favourite baker - well we thought it only fair that we tried them out on behalf of our customers, just in case.  As you can see from the picture, even Dweezel Dog got in on the act, snatching one from the hands of a distracted Eleesa, whilst she was engaged in conversation.  We have a limited number on offer this Saturday, but will be taking orders for next week and, for a change, words fail me - they are really too delicious for mere words!  If you want to try them for yourself, just make sure your orders are in by Tuesday at the very latest and we will put away an Easter stash, just for you.

Moving on to produce, this week we have taken delivery of the most exquisite little Fuji and Royal Gala apples.  Crunchy, sweet and pretty as a picture, they are tailor made for snacking.  Green Mutsus are also still on the scene, just for this week, and as the weather cools down what better way to end a meal than with baked apples crammed full of organic sultanas, a sprinkle of cinnamon and a smidgen of lemon rind, finished off with Barambah cream.  Heaven on a plate! 

On the vegetable front, the Cavolo Nero Kale is back and looking mighty fine, we have plump and shiny deep purple chemical free Eggplants courtesy of our wonderful Mt Cotton farmers, along with Okra and stunning bunches of deep green Eschallots.  The Green Beans are snap fresh, Golden Sweet Potatoes just begging to be added to a spicy dahl, simply baked whole or turned into chips, the English Spinach bunches are looking as fresh as, well, English Spinach and I can't wait to cook up a creamy mushroom and pesto risotto with the most perfect looking button mushrooms - well, I ordered flat whites, but they look more like big buttons to me.

Finally, in honour of Easter, our delicious range of Fair Trade Artisan chocolates are all on special this week, so beat the Easter Bunny to the chase by nurturing your inner child and indulge in dark Sicilian hazlenut, Almond, Mint or Coconut and Raspberry chocolate delights.  Don't you just love an excuse to eat more chocolate?!

As always, we are ready and waiting to take your box orders, so please send through your selection k by 1pm Friday afternoons to:

or text us on:

0476 000 996

Happy week's end to you

Yours in organic food love always

Camilla and all your favourite people at The Organic Market on Macleay