Thursday 20 April 2017

Camilla's Market Musings - Week 16

Good evening to you!  We hope that you had a restful Easter break.

Tonight, as the wind swirls through the trees and the temperature starts to drop, I am ever so grateful for the steaming bowl of minestrone that is sitting patiently by my side as we begin another journey into the world of organic fruit and vegetables brought to you by the Organic Market on Macleay!

Excitement plus!  This week heralds the return of that essential cold weather friend to both warming stew and soup, the humble turnip.  Well actually I should say the not so humble turnip as we took delivery of the most sculpturesque organic specimens, which together with the multi-coloured carrots, creamy potatoes and generous sweet parsnips are definitely the start to something special.  All three are packed with dietary fibre and vitamin C, making them an ideal way to protect our bodies from those nasty cold and flu bugs that love to come out to play at this time of year.  Meanwhile, if salad is still something you are craving, our local Mt Cotton farmers did not disappoint this week, picking a special assortment of picture perfect frilly green lettuces that would take pride of place in a bouquet of flowers, just for us.  We also have two types of crisp green cucumbers from which to choose, and I am already eyeing off the green field cucumbers for my next batch of cucumber kimchi, a wondeful Korean pickle that is super high in Vitamin C, B vitamins and pre and probiotics - nature's pharmacy really does provide all the healthfulness we need.

Over in the fruit "department", we couldn't help snaffling a few of the crimson seedless grapes when they came in - well we can't sing the praises of our produce if we don't taste test it - and it really was hard to stop at just a couple.  The Fuji apples are still going strong, and this week's delivery have an aroma worth bottling.  Citrus is also beginning to come into its own, with beautiful Ruby Red grapefruits, again high in Vitamin C and a great way to beat the cholesterol, the Valencia oranges are perfect for juicing, eating straight up or baking into an orange and poppy seed cake and the Meyer lemons are looking and tasting wonderful.  On the tropical front, the Panama passion fruit may have taken a beating from the recent wild weather, but inside the flavour is Summer personified, the bananas a startling electric yellow on the outside and creamy perfection on the inside and, if you didn't get to try the Custard Apples last week, they are back again this Saturday, but in limited numbers, and together with the sweet red fleshed Dragonfruit, and a generous serving of Barambah yoghurt are a great way to start the day.

Finally, just to let you know, in honour of Earth Day, this Saturday we are offering a 10% special off our range of natural cleaning products - a chemical free world really does begin at home.

As always, if you wish to pre-order one of our delectable boxes of fruit and vegetables, please make sure that you either send your order via


text: 0476 000 996

by midday Friday and we will do our very best to bring you the very best that our market has to offer.  (and yes, I have been a little bit sneaky, the time has been brought forward slightly as the number of boxes is steadily growing).

Have a wonderfilled evening

Yours in organic food heavenliness always

Camilla and all the merry people that are The Organic Market on Macleay