Thursday 13 April 2017

Camilla's Market Musings - Week 15

Welcome once again to that time of the week when we get to select some of the finest organic produce that our local farmers are so happy to provide.

This week,when the produce arrived and I found my thoughts once again straying to steaming bubbling pots of autumn vegetable stews and soups, it occurred to me how truly lucky we are to have such a sweet orchestra of seasonally and,wherever possible, locally grown organic and chemical free produce from which to select each week.  More than that however, since Eleesa, supported by her extraordinary family, first acted on her vision for a chemical free, sustainable island community by opening the market and providing the choice to eat organically, 5 and a half years ago, the Organic Market has gone on to become a vital heartbeat that feeds a community; a beautiful network of people that choose to come together at the Organic Farm either by proxy, (by ordering one of our made with love produce boxes for delivery), or by being there in person every Saturday.  If as Hippocrates once so famously declared  we are what we eat. then here we are, a living example of the nurturing power of food.  Thank you for being a part of it all.

So now a quick tour through the world of Autumn produce.  My pick for Week 15 is the picturesque globe artichoke.  I get really excited when the first of these beautiful vegetables comes into season, as like most good food, they are one of those childhood favourites, boiled then gently cooked in the oven with loads of herbs picked fresh from the garden, homemade vegetable stock and steaming Dutch Cream Potatoes, that's my idea of Autumn heaven!  Not only do they taste beautiful, but their health benefits earn them the title of "Superfood!"

The colours of the produce this week, again are a reminder of the cooling of the day, and the wonderful meals that can be made to do justice to the nature given colour wheel.  From the rich orange of the Stripy Butternut and Jap Pumpkins, to the trio of purple, gold and bright Orange Carrots, the duskiness of the Sweet Potatoes to the delicious pop of the golden yellow sweet corn, the shiny purple coat of the Eggplants and the deep forest green of the English Spinach and the curly Kale, everything is singing "Autumn is here!"

On the fruit front, the Fujis are still the market crew (including Dweezel Dog)'s favourite apple with a crisp, and we are excited to announce the first baby steps of the creamy Custard Apple, along with some Panama Passionfruit and more of that aromatic Pineapple from our Sunshine Coast farmers.  For a change the grapes are crimson, but still seedless and perfect for Easter picnics served with some of the Organic Blue, Brie and Cheddar Cheeses that we have ordered in especially for the holidays, with a few slices of Packham or Beure Bosc Pears and dried organic fruit on the side.  Before I forget, the plums this week are deliciously sweet Moyas, irresistible fresh but also perfect turned into an old fashioned compote, baked in a cake or preserved as jam to be used over and over the winter months - I love the excuse to release my Inner Baker! Tea and cake anyone?

Finally, if you would like anything from the Infinite Earth Store or any of our range of Demeter, Kialla or other Flours and Rice, now is the time to stock up as we are having a 20% off Easter Sale.  Just let me know if you would like us to add any additional items when placing this week's order...

Box orders are generally due by 1.00pm each Friday but as it is Easter Friday, if you can have your orders in by 11am this week, we would be most grateful....

or text: 0476 000 996

From all the food dreamers at The Organic Market Macleay

Have a wonderfilled Easter