Monday 14 December 2015

Going Organic Dec 2015

Going Organic
with Eleesa Zlatic of the
 Lemon Farm Organic Market

(monthly column from The Friendly Bay Islander magazine - December 2015 edition)

I would like to thank all of our valued customers and friends for their support this past year. I can't believe another Christmas is just around the corner. On reflection this past year has been wonderful for The Organic Market, with lots of thanks to you. I am very grateful to all the beautiful people who volunteer to create the Saturday market, it is a group effort and treated very much like a co-operative. We are dedicated to bringing the best quality produce, dry goods, deli and garden products to the islands, all organic and chemical free of course... which supports your health and the health of our island environment.

The recent launch of the Chemical Free Islands campaign has been successful, with over 200 island members on the dedicated facebook group. Many of you are becoming increasingly aware of the toxic effects that the common herbicides and pesticides are having on our delicate environment and are doing your bit to make changes... good on you!

We have some exciting new things happening at the farm in the New Year, which includes the first stage of our organic cafe, so be prepared to enjoy fantastic organic coffee or tea while enjoying the relaxing farm vibes. Yes, we have been listening to all the requests, and fortunately the universe has delivered a gorgeous coffee machine! We will roll out more organic cafe experiences as the year progresses.

A few months ago we held our first extended market for "Fair Food Week" and got a great response from the stall holders and visitors. In 2016, we will be hosting some Micro Festivals in March, June, September and December. Our first in March works collaboratively with the "Artists at Work" event held over the Easter weekend. On the Saturday visitors to Macleay island will have the opportunity to visit the very talented island artsits whilst they showcase their talents, visit our micro festival and head down to the wonderful Macleay Island Arts Complex. So tell your friends and families that the Easter weekend on Macleay will be a great time to visit... after all we are just a relaxing ferry ride away!

With all that we have achieved this year, we have an exciting program of events planned for next year. This time of year always makes me ponder life, and with the events that have been recently playing on the world stage it makes me appreciate the fact that we live in a fantastic island community and beautiful enviroment.

This Christmas I wish for a peace filled world, a world where we all awaken enough to turn off our attention to the fear based reporting, the judgemental criticisms, and instead open our hearts to the light that shines within each one of us. It is this light that we need to shine, no matter what belief system we hold. We need to be compassionate to everyone's right to live their life, to focus on what we do want in the world, and to stop focusing on the negative people and situations. It starts with practicing love and forgiveness to ourselves first and foremost, and then to our families, our community and the world. Imagine the change we could make.

May love, health, happiness and blessings be yours this Christmas and all the years to come...