Thursday 14 July 2016

Going Organic - July 2016

Going Organic
with Eleesa Zlatic of the
 Lemon Farm Organic Market
(monthly column from The Friendly Bay Islander magazine - July 2016 edition)

Hello beautiful Islanders, thank you to everyone who has shown so much interest in my time away. It was an incredible opportunity to experience Aboriginal ‘old way’ culture, to appreciate the true sense of remoteness for a community, and to have quite an adventure trekking into the Great Sandy Desert. The Souls that I met on the camps, in the community, the amazing Elders and women who organised the camps are imprinted deeply in my soul….  Words can’t describe the depth which people can connect when living simply together. 

The vast, harsh yet beautiful country comes to me in my dreams, and got into my pores… literally!  I promise over time to express more of what I have learned, whilst honouring that the Women’s Law belongs to the Women Elders and is not mine to pass on or to teach.   The experiences and the adventure I can talk about… 

A good sense of humour is needed in any extreme situations, and the pic that I have been allowed to print was taken on the last day of our Dreaming Trek. Seven days earlier, clean and in high spirits we packed up the four wheel drives and headed into a remote part of the Great Sandy Desert to camp nearby a sacred site.  The country was incredibly diverse, and not what I expected at all. There was more foliage, grasses, soft sands, hard pan and rocks than I had imagined.  After camping at two other sites and a number of break downs, we arrived… and it was an amazing place.  Camels appeared at a waterhole the first morning, and stood there scratching their heads as to what this strange mirage was on the horizon.

 A circle of vehicles, swags, blankets, camp fires, and a dazzling sea of stars that made you realise what a small part of a larger creation we truly belong. Clouds that billowed, and winds that blew sand, cool nights, heat that made you wish for the breeze, drop toilets and flies, no showers, camp kitchen and water restrictions…. And I was happy as a pig in mud.  Aboriginal elders who graciously allowed us to enter their world, who give nothing (in the way we would expect) but were giving everything on levels unseen and knowledge held for eons, and moments when in the doing of absolutely nothing you find everything.  I was in love….

Day 7, we had driven in convoy for hours and took a break at a spot where a community had once existed.  My co-pilot Di and I had successfully driven “The Pakam” as it was affectionately called through remote tracks and landscapes in the Great Sandy Desert with a full size bed frame (for one of the Elders) and a drop toilet on top, plus a trailer.  In the areas where the height of the grass made all the other vehicles seemingly disappear, everyone knew where the Pakam was …. as they would spot a bed and a toilet gliding over the desert grasses.  So this pic is entitled “Eleesa Queen of the Desert” and was taken for some much needed amusement before the next lengthy leg of the journey back to the community.  (Oh and the sun tan is enhanced by red dust infused pores!) 

I would like to express my love and appreciation to my Family, and my dear Friends for all the help and support they gave me to make a dream reality, to help me take time off and to fill my cup. 
Talk about hit the ground running when I landed back on the Island, the Infinite EarthFest Winter Solstice celebration was just around the corner and what a fabulous day it was. Described as “a big warm hug’ it was heartfelt and perfect for a Winter celebration. The winds that howled through the day before had dropped out, the sun shone, and it was chilly enough to enjoy Kerry’s famous fire, and the pizzas being cooked in the wood fired pizza oven. 

Thanks to the work experience crew, the new earthbag raised gardens and gathering space were ready for the big day and were well tested with lots of people using the space to sit and enjoy a chat with an organic coffee in hand. Thanks to everyone who helped set up the day, and to all the local and overseas visitors who graced us with their presence.  Thanks also to…. all the volunteers who made the day run smoothly, to the incredible coffee hub crew, and the organic goddesses and god for your amazing effort. Take a peek at our Facebook page for lots of great pics.

The next Infinite EarthFest Spring Equinox celebration will be held on 24th Sept 2016. If you upcycle, recycle, have eco-friendly products, or spiritual goods or services and would like a stall please contact us asap as spaces are limited. PH: 0476000996 or Email: