Sunday 18 September 2016

Infinite EarthFest (Spring Equinox)

It's on this Saturday, so come along and celebrate the spring equinox with us! Local band Island Time (Michael Kinnear, Ricki Thavenot, Ed Barker and Terry Stapleton) will be providing music throughout the day and we're so happy they'll be playing again. Visitors to our last festival enjoyed them so much and many people have been asking if they'll be back. So yes. Yes they will! Island Time certainly have a loyal and dedicated fan base! Understandably so, because they are rather awesome!

A Star Weave Jam will be running on the day in support of the One Million Stars to End Violence project, so get your weave on and make some stars...

All materials and assistance will be provided to weave your stars and we will be recycling materials rather than weaving with ribbon. Junk mail, packaging and even chicken feed bags... #zerowaste

The lovely Eileen Lawson commenced a collaborative rag rug making activity at our very first Infinite EarthFest event back in March and will be back this Saturday. So if you'd like to learn the art of rag rug making and join in on the large community rug being created look for the ever-so-charming vintage tent for some crafty fun!

There will also be some cool activities for the little ones happening such as painting sweet designs on rocks with Brook, making juggling balls with William, and Ayla & Leah will be coordinating some fun activities and games between 10am and 11.30am as detailed in the image below to keep the kids well and truly entertained! The Retro Farmyard Obstacle Relay sounds like a blast!
 There will be talks and demos during the day as well. Simon from Let it Bee Farm will be giving an "Introduction to Keeping Bees" (10am), resident Homeopath Camilla (Homworx) will be giving a talk about Homeopathy (11am) and Troy will demonstrate how to make a couple of different types of simple Wicking Beds for your garden (12pm) *some free materials will be provided on the day to take home should you wish to make your own* When arriving on the day, just look for the sign located near the entrance which will have the times for when various things will be happening. Also be sure to keep an eye out for these adorable bee drawings displayed at the festival. They were lovingly created by Miss Zaki's Prep A class from Macleay Island State School especially for the event in celebration of spring and the importance of bees!

And huge thanks to our friends from Food Connect for loaning us these super cool old rustic bee signs to display at the festival! As you may have guessed, we really really love bees! 

Artist Val from Russell Island will be demonstrating her beautiful dot painting skills. Below is the completed piece Val was painting at the previous festival. The gorgeous cabinet Val very kindly donated to local not-for-profit youth program Running Wild as a raffle prize for fundraising. The winner of such a prize was very lucky indeed! This time Val will be dot painting a native stingless bee hive box. Lucky bees!

There will be a great variety of market stalls selling things such as arts and crafts, local honey, garden products, crystal items, tarot readings, community group info stalls and loads more! Our Facebook Page is a great way of keeping up with festival info as we've been sharing many of our stall holders and other details there regularly. And you may wish to view the album of fabulous photos taken by stall holders and visitors at our previous Infinite EarthFest event right here.   

And of course what would a little festival be without food? Plenty of yummy food will be available on the day. The popular wood-fired pizzas will be on offer again, Byron Gourmet pies, homemade quiche served with fresh garden salad, Mai will be selling very tasty asian treats at her MI Street Food stall and Kellie will be there with her fairy floss machine selling organic/natural fairy floss! The market coffee bar will have all your favourite hot beverages with a selection of sweet treats available and the organic market will have plenty of cold drinks, organic snack foods and of course fresh produce, deli goods, dairy items etc for all your shopping needs!

We'll be offering courtesy pick ups and drop offs for our mainland and neighbouring island visitors throughout the day. So look out for the little market bus below at the Macleay Jetty when you hop off the ferry. The bus will be there to meet all incoming ferries on the day. See you this Saturday!


Thursday 8 September 2016

Going Organic - September 2016

Going Organic
with Eleesa Zlatic of the
 The Organic Market, Macleay Island.
(monthly column from The Friendly Bay Islander magazine - September 2016 edition)


Spring is in the air, and we are excited to celebrate the Spring Equinox at our Infinite EarthFest on September 24th
The Spring Equinox actually marks the first day of Spring astrologically, it is a point in the year when the length of the day and night is almost equal. After the Equinox the days grow longer and the earth warms up from its winter dormancy. 

Spiritually it has throughout time and cultures signified moving into the light, having gone through the dark of winter and the dark night of the soul, we now move into new beginnings. We all know to plant new seeds in Spring, this is true of ourselves as well. Start making your dreams come true, take the first steps toward manifesting your ideas, welcome new relationships and nurture an acceptance and understanding of yourself.
Many people are awakening to their role as custodians of the earth and its creatures, and this Festival celebrates the role of Bees in our environment, and our opportunity to make a difference in our own backyards by working together to create ‘Chemical Free Islands’.

The plight of the honey bee and native bees is in our hands, we can either take responsibility for their future, or ignore it. If we understand that their future and ours is intertwined, then it is a no brainer as to which choice to make. Most of our food producing plants rely on bees to pollinate them, without the bees we lose a great variety of foods from the planet.  It is a big deal, and something we can change.  The best place to create any change for the world, is with ourselves first, in our own backyards, and in our own communities. 

Numerous studies are proving that colony collapse and disease in the hives is integrally connected with the use of herbicides and pesticides in our environment. Some of the main culprits are the large monoculture farms which spray intensively to produce better yield.  But it is also true of the many suburban homes that use weedkillers, and pesticides. 

We have put together a local campaign with the help of Miss Zaki and the Prep A class at Macleay Island State School, to educate and show locals how to create ‘Chemical Free Islands’.  We will have more information at the Festival, so please pop in and show your support.

The Festival is all about taking time out from life, enjoying the community gathering, meeting new people, supporting local stallholders, listening to great music, eating delicious food, attending talks about bees, participating in the workshops and enjoying the vibe, described as a ‘big warm hug’ at the last festival.

One of the activities to get involved in at the Infinite EarthFest is our Star Weave Jam. So come along and weave stars in support of the One Million Stars to End Violence project. All stars made will feature as part of an installation at Redland Performing Arts Centre in February 2017 thanks to the Redland Art Gallery Star Weave community which we’re supporting. The stars will again be displayed as part of the Arts and Cultural program at the Gold Coast Commonwealth Games in 2018. We’ll provide all the materials and assistance needed to weave your stars on the day (and we will be utilising various recycled materials rather than using traditional ribbon!). More details about the activity can be found by following our social media accounts and for further information about the One Million Stars to End Violence project please visit

There will be loads of wonderful stalls showcasing recycling, eco-friendly products, and the wonderful work community groups do. Coffee and Food will be available on the day, plus of course our fabulous chemical free produce and dry goods for sale at The Organic Market.  We are blessed to have our fantastic and talented local band Island Time playing a great variety of music on the day. So please pop the 24th September in your calendar…. we look forward to seeing you there!

Thursday 14 July 2016

Going Organic - July 2016

Going Organic
with Eleesa Zlatic of the
 Lemon Farm Organic Market
(monthly column from The Friendly Bay Islander magazine - July 2016 edition)

Hello beautiful Islanders, thank you to everyone who has shown so much interest in my time away. It was an incredible opportunity to experience Aboriginal ‘old way’ culture, to appreciate the true sense of remoteness for a community, and to have quite an adventure trekking into the Great Sandy Desert. The Souls that I met on the camps, in the community, the amazing Elders and women who organised the camps are imprinted deeply in my soul….  Words can’t describe the depth which people can connect when living simply together. 

The vast, harsh yet beautiful country comes to me in my dreams, and got into my pores… literally!  I promise over time to express more of what I have learned, whilst honouring that the Women’s Law belongs to the Women Elders and is not mine to pass on or to teach.   The experiences and the adventure I can talk about… 

A good sense of humour is needed in any extreme situations, and the pic that I have been allowed to print was taken on the last day of our Dreaming Trek. Seven days earlier, clean and in high spirits we packed up the four wheel drives and headed into a remote part of the Great Sandy Desert to camp nearby a sacred site.  The country was incredibly diverse, and not what I expected at all. There was more foliage, grasses, soft sands, hard pan and rocks than I had imagined.  After camping at two other sites and a number of break downs, we arrived… and it was an amazing place.  Camels appeared at a waterhole the first morning, and stood there scratching their heads as to what this strange mirage was on the horizon.

 A circle of vehicles, swags, blankets, camp fires, and a dazzling sea of stars that made you realise what a small part of a larger creation we truly belong. Clouds that billowed, and winds that blew sand, cool nights, heat that made you wish for the breeze, drop toilets and flies, no showers, camp kitchen and water restrictions…. And I was happy as a pig in mud.  Aboriginal elders who graciously allowed us to enter their world, who give nothing (in the way we would expect) but were giving everything on levels unseen and knowledge held for eons, and moments when in the doing of absolutely nothing you find everything.  I was in love….

Day 7, we had driven in convoy for hours and took a break at a spot where a community had once existed.  My co-pilot Di and I had successfully driven “The Pakam” as it was affectionately called through remote tracks and landscapes in the Great Sandy Desert with a full size bed frame (for one of the Elders) and a drop toilet on top, plus a trailer.  In the areas where the height of the grass made all the other vehicles seemingly disappear, everyone knew where the Pakam was …. as they would spot a bed and a toilet gliding over the desert grasses.  So this pic is entitled “Eleesa Queen of the Desert” and was taken for some much needed amusement before the next lengthy leg of the journey back to the community.  (Oh and the sun tan is enhanced by red dust infused pores!) 

I would like to express my love and appreciation to my Family, and my dear Friends for all the help and support they gave me to make a dream reality, to help me take time off and to fill my cup. 
Talk about hit the ground running when I landed back on the Island, the Infinite EarthFest Winter Solstice celebration was just around the corner and what a fabulous day it was. Described as “a big warm hug’ it was heartfelt and perfect for a Winter celebration. The winds that howled through the day before had dropped out, the sun shone, and it was chilly enough to enjoy Kerry’s famous fire, and the pizzas being cooked in the wood fired pizza oven. 

Thanks to the work experience crew, the new earthbag raised gardens and gathering space were ready for the big day and were well tested with lots of people using the space to sit and enjoy a chat with an organic coffee in hand. Thanks to everyone who helped set up the day, and to all the local and overseas visitors who graced us with their presence.  Thanks also to…. all the volunteers who made the day run smoothly, to the incredible coffee hub crew, and the organic goddesses and god for your amazing effort. Take a peek at our Facebook page for lots of great pics.

The next Infinite EarthFest Spring Equinox celebration will be held on 24th Sept 2016. If you upcycle, recycle, have eco-friendly products, or spiritual goods or services and would like a stall please contact us asap as spaces are limited. PH: 0476000996 or Email:

Thursday 23 June 2016

Infinite EarthFest (Winter Solstice)

Our Infinite EarthFest (winter solstice) event is happening this Saturday folks! The weather forecast is looking great for Saturday and we look forward to celebrating the winter solstice with you! We have a number of fun activities happening throughout the day (most are free!) such as this one...      

The Native Bee / Insect Hotel workshop was so popular at our last event that we're running it again. The work experience crew have pre-made the wooden boxes and have cut and prepared all the inserts ready for easy assembling on the day. As with the previous insect hotels, a $10 donation to make and take one home would be appreciated.

There will also be an opportunity for the kids to participate in painting a large scale mural. This workshop is part of the Running Wild June/July school holiday program and is facilitated by local artists Cassie and Tegan. Be sure to visit the Running Wild marquee where you'll find artist Val dot painting during the day on a pre-loved piece of furniture to give an example of creative upcycling. Val will kindly be donating the completed piece to Running Wild as a fundraiser in support of their youth programs. Funds raised through the sale of raffle tickets will greatly contribute to the running of their school holiday activity programs on the SMBI. Raffle tickets can be purchased at the Running Wild marquee and the team will also be selling very cool recycled record bowls as part of their fundraising.

There will be loads of fantastic stalls on the day offering such things as plants (ornamentals and edibles), a variety of arts and crafts, homemade preserves, handmade / handpainted upcycled clothing and accessories, gardening products, eco friendly products, handcrafted jewellery and homewares, books, face painting, community info and service stalls offering natural therapy services, dreadlocking through to pyschic tarot readings...  

Live music will be happening on the day with Homeless Yellow playing and there will be opportunities for the kids to have a jam with the band throughout the day. There will be some instruments provided at the performance area for kids to use during the jam sessions, but of course feel free to bring your own along too! And local favourites Island Time will also be providing some sweet tunes. Members of MUGS (Macleay Ukulele Group) will also be joining us and will be in a marquee where you can chat to them about all things uke! If you have a ukulele bring it along on the day and have a jam with the friendly uke players and you'll be able to find out about their practice / meet up days and performances if you're keen on joining the group.

There will of course be plenty of delicious food available at the festival. Wood-fired pizza, soups, curry, asian food, organic snacks from the market and all your favourite beverages and sweet treats from the coffee bar area.

Infinite EarthFest is a proud partnership between The Organic Farm and Running Wild. The day will be about celebrating the winter solstice and also celebrating the achievements of the wonderful and dedicated work experience team. This Saturday will be the official opening of one of the major projects that they've been working so hard on... the earthbag garden circle area, which now houses the pizza oven. It's such a beautiful community space that the crew have created and we're so happy to be sharing it with everyone. We expect it will be a very popular, well utilised and much loved space by many! And the regular market fire circle area will also be a nice spot to sit on Saturday to warm up. There sure have been some large gatherings there during these past few chilly Saturday mornings!           
Our market bus will be doing regular pick ups and drop offs from the Macleay Jetty for all our visitors from neighbouring islands, Karragarra, Russell and Lamb as well as those traveling over from the mainland. We'll endeavour to meet all incoming ferries so just keep an eye out for the bus pictured below, but if the bus isn't there when you arrive just call or text the number shown and the little bus will be down there in a jiffy to collect you! 

So, that's just a quick outline of some of the fun being offered this Saturday, so hope to see you there!

Monday 13 June 2016

Going Organic - June 2016

Going Organic
with Eleesa Zlatic of the
 Lemon Farm Organic Market
(monthly column from The Friendly Bay Islander magazine - June 2016 edition)

Hello. Eleesa is currently on an adventure in WA immersed in sacred women’s business with four Women Elders and should be arriving back on the island around the time this publication lands in your letterbox. While it has been business as usual with the market operating during Eleesa’s absence, her beautiful presence certainly has been missed by all and we’re very much looking forward to her return. Eleesa’s daughter Ayla has taken on the responsibility for ensuring that the market continues running smoothly and her business management skills have been most impressive for one so young. Top job Ayla! 

We’re very excited that our next Infinite EarthFest event is getting closer. Saturday 25th June is the day and we invite you all to come along and celebrate the winter solstice with us. On offer will be a lovely range of winter warming comfort style food such as hearty pumpkin soup served with turkish bread, delicious curry and wood-fired pizzas. Traditionally, pizza may not be thought of as a winter food as such, but as far as we’re concerned pizza suits any season. Especially wood-fired pizza! Yum! Our friend Mai will be joining us with her popular MI Street Food stall offering tasty Asian treats and the market will also be operating as usual on the day with an abundance of fresh produce, cold drinks and organic snacks available. And of course the organic coffee bar will be serving your favourite hot beverages and sweet treats.
There’ll be entertainment and activities suitable for all ages and abilities happening throughout the day. Be sure to check out the free activities and workshops being offered by some of our talented island artists and crafters who are so very generously volunteering their time and sharing their skills with visitors on the day. A great line-up of stalls selling their wares and promoting their services will be at the festival. Stall sites booked out very quickly this time so if interested in having a stall at our next Infinite EarthFest (Spring Equinox) scheduled for September 24th please don’t hesitate to register your interest now. If what you have to offer has a creative or sustainable focus (ie: eco-friendly, green living, arts, crafts, handmade etc) we’d love to hear from you.

This Infinite EarthFest is a proud partnership between The Organic Farm and Running Wild (Youth - Conservation - Culture) and besides being a celebration of the winter solstice it’s also a celebration of the achievements made by the amazing and dedicated work experience team. The day will be an opportunity for visitors to view and enjoy some of the completed community projects that they’ve worked so hard on around the farm.

Our courtesy market bus will be doing regular pick ups/drop offs from the Macleay Jetty for our inter-island and mainland visitors throughout the day, so phone or text 0476 000 996 to arrange a ride. This service is also offered every Saturday coinciding with our regular market.

And speaking of the market, a change in season means a change in produce so we now have all those lovely cold weather fruit and vegetables to enjoy… plentiful pumpkin varieties, this is when potatoes, silverbeet and spinach are at their best, the kiwi fruits are so very good, the apples are deliciously crispy and full of flavour and all those juicy citrus! We realise that these cold mornings means it’s all the more difficult to bounce out of bed early on a Saturday morning to rush to the market to snap up your favourite produce before it runs out. It can be quite the dilemma! We understand and we sympathise. We also offer a convenient solution. Order a produce box and we’ll have it ready and waiting for you to collect after you’ve enjoyed that leisurely sleep-in that you so deserve. Complimentary delivery of produce boxes on Macleay is also offered, and for inter-island and mainland customers we send via the ferries. For produce box enquiries and orders please phone or text 0476 000 996. Happy winter everyone and stay warm. Love from the market crew xo 

Wednesday 11 May 2016

Going Organic - May 2016

Going Organic
with Eleesa Zlatic of the
 Lemon Farm Organic Market
(monthly column from The Friendly Bay Islander magazine - May 2016 edition)

May is such a beautiful time of year, with its cool nights and warm days. It is the perfect time to visit the Organic Market, and spend some time around the fire with an organic coffee whilst meeting and chatting with some of the awesome people who come here.

Each Saturday we pick up from the Macleay Island Jetty at 8.13 am and 9.18 am. If you would like to visit from the other Islands or from the mainland, just look out for our Bus.  We can pick you up at other times too…. please text your arrival time to our new phone number 0476 000 996

Our next ‘Infinite EarthFest’ will be held on the 25th June and celebrates the Winter Solstice, traditionally symbolising the longest night of the year, and new hope as the days grow longer and warmer again. If you enjoyed our last down to earth festival, this one will also celebrate the wonderful effort the work experience folk have been putting into some of the community projects here.  They are busily constructing a culinary garden with earthbag seating and a pizza oven space.  Raised garden beds filled with plants to pick, pluck and put on top of the pizzas will be growing, and it will be something they can all be proud of. There will also be hands on workshops and plenty of local stallholders with their range of eco-friendly products, and highlighting upcycling and recycling techniques. Come along and meet the locals who run our very valuable community groups, it will be a chance to join up, or simply find out how they benefit the islands. If you would like to have a stall, or be involved on the day, please email and register your interest with our friendly team.

The Organic Coffee Bar has been getting some rave revues since it opened.  Not only can you purchase Organic Coffees, Tea and Hot Chocolates, but each one is made with love and delivered with a smile by beautiful Mary… of course they are popular!  Each week we have a selection of treats to choose from… the gluten and guilt free donuts being a favourite choice.

The Sourdough breads that we have been stocking have been discovered! If you don’t want to miss out on your favourite loaf or the fabulous organic milks we stock, may I suggest that you let the Organic Goddesses know that you would like to be placed on our weekly order list. This way we can ensure we have enough stock for everyone and no one misses out…. It is a sad week without that Fruit Loaf!

Our first Red Tent was such a lovely evening, and the women who attended were just beautiful!  We spent a busy day, cutting bamboo (grown on the farm for this purpose) and putting up a TIPI, which created a really special space to hold a women’s circle.  If you would like to be a part of this Island Sistahood, please like and follow ‘Macleay Island Red Tent’ on facebook for upcoming evenings and events. Tickets are limited so please purchase online or come into the market and register your interest.

We have a new phone number for orders, enquiries and pick-ups 0476 000 996. Could you kindly note this down as the previous number will be out of action for awhile. 

I feel very blessed to have been accepted to join a small group of women from around the world who are about to venture into the Western Australian desert to learn Women’s Lore and attend a Dreaming Trek with the four Women Elders, healers who were trained in the old ways.  These powerful keepers of Tjukurrpa (Universal Life Force/Dreaming) are willing to share their connection with the earth, spirit and their sacred Women’s lore with others to create a cross cultural knowledge…  I feel privileged and will let you know how it is all going next month or when I return.  Till then, enjoy the sea breezes and send us all positive light and love for a safe adventure.  

Tuesday 12 April 2016

Going Organic - April 2016

Going Organic
with Eleesa Zlatic of the
 Lemon Farm Organic Market

(monthly column from The Friendly Bay Islander magazine - April 2016 edition)

Dearest Community, I want to sincerely thank you for all your support.  I am always so humbled by the kindness, consideration, and help that my family and I are given.

By the time this goes to publication, our inaugural Macleay Island Red Tent will have occurred, with its theme of ‘Find Your Tribe’, where women come together to share their stories, laugh, nurture and connect with their Sista’s.   Whilst this is a women’s circle, I have to say that living on the Island for me as been a case of finding my Tribe.  A community of enchanting, colourful individuals, who are living their sea change lifestyle with a village feel, and I feel blessed and grateful to be a part of this shared journey.

We recently held our Autumn Infinite EarthFest, and it was ‘lovely’!  Very home grown and heartfelt.  A loving thankyou to everyone who attended, and to all the stall holders.  I am grateful to everyone who helped the work experience folk for their help with creating some great activities on the day.  Running Wild and Jam for Jams made some noise with their Funky Junk workshop, and the kids had a fabulous time banging out the beats on recycled containers, pots and pans, and drum sets. Mike and Bojan from Homeless Yellow pulled the sounds together, and it was great to listen to! Thanks also to Cassie for your beautiful smile, and volunteering your help on the day.

The Insect Hotels (or should they be called Motels???) Workshop was incredibly popular. There will be some very happy insects moving into funky new houses in local backyards very soon. If you missed out, we will be holding these workshops again in the future!  Thanks to the team from Running Wild for getting all the materials organised, and Brendan and Dillon for running it on the day.  This workshop supports our ‘Chemical Free Islands’ campaign, encouraging people to stop spraying pesticides, and to allow Insects to do their thing for the environment.

A fantastic way to get rid of rags is to make them into a rug mat using a toothbrush! This free workshop was run by lovely Eileen in her very cool retro tent.  Lots of people contributed to the communal mat being made, or bought a kit to get started at home. It is such a great way to use up items of clothing that would normally be tossed.  A perfect example of upcycling! Eileen will be at our next ‘Infinite EarthFest Winter’, if you would like to get involved and learn a new skill.

Infinite EarthFest Winter Solstice: Saturday 25th June
Infinite EarthFest Spring Equinox: Saturday 24th September
Infinite EarthFest Summer Solstice: Saturday 17th December

Please mark these dates in your Calendar, and contact me if you have a stall that fits the criteria of environmentally friendly, organic, recycled, upcycled, spiritual and arty. We are also looking for home grown musicians and entertainment, particularly with an earth friendly, world music feel.

Ok now for the latest news…. HOW EXCITING! The Organic Market now has a Coffee Bar!  Come along and try an organic coffee, tea, or a delicious organic Fairtrade hot chocolate. There are plenty of treats to enjoy with it, raw treats, gluten free cookies and chocolate truffles to name a few… yum!   I must say the feedback so far has been great.  We have been ever so kind, and have solved the dilemma of which cup size to choose by having only medium! But not just any medium size cup, ours are an eco-friendly compostable and biodegradable cup! … which we recycle into plant pots (when you’re finished of course) or you can take them home and pot something up for yourself. Nothing should go to waste, so our coffee grinds are being used in various ways on the farm too.

Now for those of you who get picked up from the Ferry each week, we now have a BUS!!!… yes, that’s right, it is comfort all the way to the farm now. No more alleee oooops up into the Blue Landy any more, just a comfortable step into being chauffeur driven for your organic shopping pleasure.  

If you can’t make it to the market, or want to make a commitment to your healthy eating plans, just contact me and we can arrange a box for you each week. We deliver to the Ferry for pick up on the other Islands or Mainland​. Have a beautiful week!

Thursday 24 March 2016

Infinite EarthFest (Autumn Equinox)

The first of our mini festivals for this year is the Infinite EarthFest (autumn equinox) coming up this Saturday 26th March held alongside the regular Saturday organic market. It runs from 8am to 2pm

Some of the stall holder goodies will include plant sales (edibles and ornamentals), upcycled and recycled clothing, upcycled jewellery items, natural makeup, arts and crafts, local honey, handmade soaps, fairy gardens, upcycled vintage linen, worm farm products, preserves, community info stalls etc…

And some fun things happening throughout the day will include...

Funky Junk Music Making Workshop (FREE) runs from 9am to 1pm - This is a Running Wild event as part of their school holiday program. The facilitator of this workshop will be local musician Mike (Homeless Yellow) and is sponsored by the Jam for Jams project. The Running Wild team will be there on the day so if you'd like to sign up for the Easter school holiday program just look out for the folk in the green Running Wild shirts! 

Oriel Mirage Belly Dancers will be performing at 10am

Make a Native Bee / Insect Hotel - runs all day (or until material supplies run out) A $10 donation is asked for this activity. 

Native Stingless Bee Talk with Brendan Veitch at 10.30am

Rag Rug Making with Eileen Lawson - runs all day

Bay Island Learning & Care - Autumn Crafts and Face Painting - runs all day.
The market coffee bar will be serving up organic coffee and teas and will have some delicious locally made raw treats available. And of course the Organic Market will be trading as usual for all your fresh produce, dry goods, dairy, deli and snack items! 

Thursday 10 March 2016

Going Organic - March 2016

Going Organic
with Eleesa Zlatic of the
 Lemon Farm Organic Market

(monthly column from The Friendly Bay Islander magazine - March 2016 edition)

Oh how I have been looking forward to Autumn arriving… and here it is! After the heat that February brought with it, we will all be embracing a more pleasant temperature. The Equinox in March symbolises a point in the year when the nights grow longer, the days grow shorter and it heralds a cooler change leading into Winter. Traditionally the pivotal points in the seasons were honoured, they marked the major changes in the Seasons, and this year to celebrate the Equinoxes and Solstices we will be hosting 4 micro festivals called: Infinite EarthFest

Our first is an extended market to celebrate Autumn and will be held on March 26th 8am – 2pm. It will focus on green living, health, creativity and sustainability. We will be working in conjunction with the Artists at Work held the same long weekend. A free bus will run from the Artists at Work, via our Festival and onto the Arts Complex.  Please like THE ORGANIC MARKET MACLEAY ISLAND Facebook page for more details.   

These are the dates for the festivals:
Infinite EarthFest
Autumn Equinox:  Saturday 26th March
Winter Solstice:  Saturday 25th June
Spring Equinox:  Saturday 24th September
Summer Solstice:  Saturday 17th December

We are looking for stall holders with a point of difference, if you have eco-friendly products, create recycled goods, have crafty pre loved items, or art to sell, we are interested.  Are you a musician who has a world music, environmental style?  Do you create Healthy food or snacks?  If you would like to be involved text or email me please. There will also be some interesting workshops that you can attend.  

We have recently been accepted as a Land for Wildlife site, which is super exciting. We dedicate over 50 acres of land to natural vegetation and wildlife. This program will help us with regeneration of the bushland and wetlands, and will give the local wildlife species the chance to increase in numbers. 

The Work Experience program at the Organic Farm is going well.  It is such a delight to hear laughter, and good spirits as people work alongside each other to achieve the goals that are set. We are harnessing everyone’s natural talents and skills, and as an observation everyone is thriving.  The Training program has just begun, and everyone has the opportunity to achieve a Level 1 in Construction. This program is also available to the general public at a nominal fee, so let us know if you’re interested.

Boxes… on my goodness, you are all legends! We are happily making up boxes filled with love, oh and chemical free fruit and vege each week for lots of lovely folk.  If you would like to make a commitment to your health and support what we do, just email or text me and we can arrange a box package to suit your needs.

I mentioned texting me as I have a smartphone which is clearly smarter than me! I somehow miss some phone calls, so please text or email me for the best results. There is a lovely lady who contacted me last month via msg, and required some help with her diet. I apologise to you, as I can’t find your number to call you back.  If you read this please ring me again, as I would love to help.

Find Your Tribe is the first gathering for the Macleay Island Red Tent, on April 10th … you're invited to come with an open mind and a willing spirit ready to connect with a new community of aware and awake women. Island women can come together in a beautiful space to be accepted unconditionally as themselves, to share their life journey, and nurture not only themselves but their kindred sista’s.  For more details, please like and share our facebook page: Macleay Island Red Tent.

Well as you can see life has been incredibly busy, but wonderful! We promised a Coffee Bar and we are getting closer. It was suggested to me that I should tell everyone that the start date of January 2016 was actually a misprint and I meant 2017...! Mmmm!  I am hoping it will be up and running by the time this article is printed. 

We look forward to seeing you soon.

Please note:  The article mentioned hopes of the Coffee Bar to be up and running by the time of printing. We can happily report that it IS FINALLY up and running. So come on down and grab a tasty organic coffee on Saturday! Hurrah!  

Monday 15 February 2016

Going Organic Feb 2016

Going Organic
with Eleesa Zlatic of the
 Lemon Farm Organic Market

(monthly column from The Friendly Bay Islander magazine - February 2016 edition)

Thank you, thank you, thank you for all the box orders that have been rolling in. It is such a great thing not only for us, but to ensure you have a fridge full of goodness for the week.  It is a creative exercise to spend your budget on good quality food, and then to find new and interesting recipes to use it.  It forces you to make the most of the money spent, making sure you are consuming a larger quantity of produce so there is no waste.  The bonus is that you feel so much better.

If you don’t want to commit to a box, why don’t you try changing over to organics and chemical free foods gradually.  Just decide to exchange one type of food that you would usually purchase and make it organic.  Milk, Apples, Pasta, Flour, no matter what your choice it is a step in the right direction and apart from getting the chemicals out of your diet you will also notice that many items taste better.

There is such delicious tasting fruit available at the moment, the rockmelons have been yummy and in fact someone told me it’s the best melon they have ever tasted… and they were serious J.  The little grapes are the most divine grapes I have ever eaten, so good I don’t want to part with them! If you are a Fig lover we have beautiful chemical free figs which are locally grown.  Many of the varieties come from old Italian stock. Figs are not something I grew up eating but since trying these I am hooked; they are a precious tear drop with a delightful taste. There are plenty of other seasonal fruits available too.

As I mentioned in last month’s column, in partnership with Running Wild, a Work for the Dole program has begun on The Organic Farm and although in its infancy, it is steadily gaining momentum.  It has also been great opportunity to meet lots of new people from the Islands.

The group that have been attending so far have been nothing short of fantastic! Willing to give new things a go, working really hard to achieve the day’s goals, and keen to get involved with the creation of this project. The skills that many of the participants have are under used/recognised, and we are doing our best to harness their talents and nurture everyone into their passions. We have great Supervisors and Trainers so if you are eligible for a Work for the Dole placement, and are keen for hands on work experience plus the possibility of training, ask if you can be a part of our program. There are still some places available so get in quick. 

Coming Soon…...!!! Macleay Island Red Tent.  A space for Island Women to gather, share, communicate, love and nurture each other.  We are a branch of the group Red Tent Australia, a growing tribe of women who are gathering in communities around Australia. Like our page “Macleay Island Red Tent” on facebook for more details. 

Sunday 17 January 2016

That Sugar Film

This Saturday 23rd January the Bay Islands Pop Up Cinema will be screening That Sugar Film. Gates open at 6.30pm for a 7pm start at The Organic Market, 27 Lonicera Street, Macleay Island. BYO chairs / blankets to sit on and there will be organic snacks and drinks available to purchase. This is a highly entertaining and informative Australian Documentary. 


One man's journey to discover the bitter truth about sugar. Damon Gameau embarks on a unique experiment to document the effects of a high sugar diet on a healthy body, consuming only foods that are commonly perceived as 'healthy'. Through this entertaining and informative journey, Damon highlights some of the issues that plague the sugar industry, and where sugar lurks on supermarket shelves. [written by Madman Entertainment]

Wednesday 13 January 2016

Going Organic Jan 2016

Going Organic
with Eleesa Zlatic of the
 Lemon Farm Organic Market

(monthly column from The Friendly Bay Islander magazine - January 2016 edition)

A new year has begun, and to honour the concept of being organic, for me it means allowing changes, letting go of all that is no longer needed in the now, and taking the leap of faith into the new.

2016 feels promising, it feels like a year to nurture new beginnings, and to step outside of our sense of me into a sense of oneness with other humans, and particularly the earth that supports us.

We took some time off over the holiday period to spend with our little family and our beloved friends. We took time to breathe and honour our lives. To contemplate the new projects, and lovingly plan for them to come to fruition.  

Although we all think we will carry on the Christmas spirit throughout the year, once the lives we go back to kick in, much of our intentions get forgotten. This year I feel urged to start, yes, a new campaign… called 101 Days of Love. And I did. It is a group on facebook which encourages you to take up the challenge to send a message to someone else that reminds them how wonderful, talented and loved they are. Every day for 100 days you send a note via social media, private message, or card/letter, or verbally to someone letting them know how valued they are.  Be as creative with the method of delivery, but take the challenge to open your heart and your thoughts to others for the 100 days. On day 101, kindly send yourself a note, praise yourself up, recognise your beautiful traits. There is no hierarchy of order, simply send a message to the person who is most in your thoughts that day, it may be friends, family, someone you admire, someone you meet and it is not limited to the Islands. I hope you join us.

We will be doing some growing of a different kind at the Organic Farm this year, partnered with Running Wild, we will be the base for a Work for The Dole program, with the added benefit that each participant will have the opportunity to achieve accredited training plus plenty of hands on experience.  We are all committed to helping the participants to realise their potential, remember how valued they are, remember their passions, and create the life they have dreamed of. 

The Movie nights will kick start mid-January with the first film being ‘That Sugar Film’ on the 23rd January…. It is a fantastic and humorous documentary. Well suited to our post Christmas sugar laden bodies, and our New Year’s resolutions to become healthier.  It is a delightful and eye opening way to have an Uh huh moment about the many foods that we consider to be healthy. I hope you will join us. 

Personally I am looking forward to the market starting up again and the fresh chemical free produce and wholesome dry goods being a major part of our diet.  Yep I indulged in foods I wouldn’t ordinarily eat over Christmas and am noticing the difference in how I feel. 

To honour myself and the time required to organise the market each week… (a labour of love)  I would truly appreciate it if my regulars or those of you thinking of eating healthily this year, could pre order a box each week.  We make up lovely boxes with a variety of seasonal fruit and vege each week.  Think of it as an investment in your health and a way of supporting what we do.  Generally, people nominate an amount they would like to spend each week, their food preferences, and we lovingly select the goodies to make your meals delicious.  Either drop in to the market to organise it or email/text.  Details are on the Ad.  We will still have plenty of deliciousness for sale each market day, but the boxes will get the preference. There are loads of other items that you can add to your order, including Organic Dairy, Organic Fours, Eco Friendly Cleaning Products, Soaps, Health Supplements, and gluten free products.

If you haven’t visited the market before, please pop in one day to see the large range of goods stocked. We pick up from the ferry each Saturday, and we send boxes via the ferries to the other Islands and the Mainland. We look forward to seeing you soon.